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Frequently Asked Questions: Text Banking

Follow these steps to set up Text Banking:

Register for Text Banking

  1. Log into Blaze Digital Banking
  2. Go to Text Banking under the Settings menu
  3. Enable the text banking option at the top of the page
  4. Enter your SMS text phone number you want to enroll
  5. Review the Terms and Conditions then select the box "Agree to Terms"
  6. Select Save

Activate Accounts for Text Banking

Once you have enrolled you should select Visit Preferences from the confirmation message and then follow these steps:

  1. Select one of the accounts you want to access
  2. Select the SMS/Text tab for the account
  3. Enable the SMS/Text Enrollment option
  4. If you want to edit the default nickname for the account, click the Pencil icon next to the "SMS/Text Display Name"
  5. Enter a 1 - 4 character nickname
  6. Select the check mark to save your new nickname

These steps will need to be completed for each account you want to enable for Text Banking.

Activating Additional Accounts in the Future

If you need to activate another account later:

  1. Visit Manage Accounts under the Settings menu
  2. Select an account
  3. Select the Details and Settings tab
  4. Verify that the SMS/Text Enrollment option is enabled

Once you have activated Text Banking access for your account, you can text the following commands to BANKME (226563):

  • BAL to check the balance of your accounts
  • HIST to check transaction history on your accounts
  • XFER to transfer funds
  • HELP to receive a list of key Text Banking terms
  • STOP to opt out of Text Banking

Note that you must be enrolled in Blaze Digital Banking to use this service.