Learn about the home loan process with these tips on how to get ready for your next dream home. Your Blaze Mortage Loan Officer is with you at every turn.

Good Debt/Bad Debt
Not all debt is necessarily bad, particularly when it can help you build wealth. It’s important to know the difference and how to sort the good from the bad.

Your Credit Score & Mortgage Loans
Your credit score is one of the biggest factors in your approval for a home loan.

Your Credit Score & Home Buying Power
Know how your credit score will affect your home buying power.

Put Your House to Work
Home equity provides homeowners a ready financing source to turn their house into their dream home.

Pre-qualification v. Pre-approval
We ensure our members are set up to become successful homeowners from the very beginning of the home buying process.

How Mortgage Loans are Approved
While your loan officer and processor review your application, the underwriter will ultimately be the one who provides final approval.

Home Improvement Projects: DIY or Pro
If you have a home improvement project, should you do it yourself (DIY) or hire a pro?

Are You Ready to Purchase a Home?
Buying a home is typically the biggest purchase you will make. Know the process so it seems less scary.

Protect Yourself from Trigger Leads
Trigger Leads are a marketing tool that mortgage lenders, insurance companies, and credit card providers use to identify potential customers.