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How do I update my homeowner's insurance information?

  1. Once you've finalized your new insurance policy, make sure to cancel your homeowner's policy with your previous insurance provider. 
  2. Your new insurance policy should include your loan number and this mortgagee cause:

    Blaze Credit Union
    PO Box 1999
    Carmel, IN 46082
  3. If Blaze has paid an insurance premium on your behalf to the previous provider within the past 12 months, retain any refund you receive from the previous provider. You should then pay your new provider's premium out-of-pocket. It does not need to be deposited into your escrow account at Blaze.
  4. If you would like Blaze to make the new premium payment to your new insurance carrier, please contact Blaze Mortgage Servicing. Then, send a check in the amount of any refund you received from your previous carrier to be deposited into your escrow account payable to Blaze Credit Union.
  5. Any adjustments to your escrow account related to the cost of your homeowners insurance will be reflected on your next Annual Escrow Analysis in June.