Financial Wellness Articles

Don't Be Spoofed
Fraudsters are hard at work trying to steal your account and personal information. There are ways to protect yourself from these thieves.

Health Savings Accounts
If you have a high-deductible health insurance plan, you can allocate tax-free income toward your health with a health savings account.

Tax Planning: Strategies & Tips
Look ahead to the tax consequences of your financial decisions, so you can legitimately meet your minimum tax obligations.

Completing a Tax Return
Filing your tax return doesn't have to be as complicated as it seems.

Envelope Budgeting
Whether it's a cash or a digital envelope system, the envelope budgeting method is guaranteed to help you manage finances like a pro.

50/30/20 Rule
The 50/30/20 rule is a simple, practical rule of thumb for individuals who want a budget that's easy and effective. It offers guidelines for enjoying your income while putting savings on autopilot.

How to Manage Your Debt
There isn’t just one reason that people fall into debt. It’s a complex issue and solutions aren’t one-size-fits-all. Discover how to start managing your debt with these tips and tools.

Recognizing & Avoiding Scams
Blaze will never call, email, or text asking to provide full account numbers, card numbers, PINs, digital banking credentials, passwords, or verification codes.

Tis the Season to Avoid Online Shopping Rip-offs
Online holiday shoppers, gear up and hunker down. You could fall victim to serious scams unless you know how to distinguish a legitimate site from a rip-off.

Save Energy, Save Money
There are many little things you can do to reduce the amount of energy you use and, as a bonus, you’ll trim your home energy bill.

Cost of College Attendance: What Does it Mean?
The cost of attendance is the total of six different costs, including tuition, room, board, books, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.

Good Debt/Bad Debt
Not all debt is necessarily bad, particularly when it can help you build wealth. It’s important to know the difference and how to sort the good from the bad.

3 Tips to Keep Your Summer Vacation Within Budget
Whether you plan to travel near or far, these three tips will help you enjoy your vacation and avoid having a “financial hangover” when you return.

Codes are Confidential
Learn about security codes and why you should never share them with anyone.

Be Safe Shopping Online
Online shopping is more prevalent than ever. Make sure to do everything you can to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.

What to Do if You're Turned Down for a Loan
Getting rejected for a loan can feel like a kick in the teeth. No way around it, rejection is painful. But a loan rejection may be a gift in disguise.

Manage Your Credit Cards Better
U.S. consumers are once again increasing their collective credit card debt, which now exceeds $1 trillion.Here's some advice for controlling credit card use.

How to Establish a Credit History
Establishing a good credit record can be difficult for anyone without a credit history. Here are the steps to help you build credit and maintain a good credit score.

7 Ways to Protect Your Credit Score
Your credit score is a three-digit number that creditors use to assess how likely you are to repay your loans. Learn seven things you can do to make sure it stays healthy.

5 Ways Good Credit is Your Safety Net
A good credit score can provide you access to low-interest credit options that can help cover any expenses your emergency savings can’t.

Financial Warning Signs You Can't Ignore
If you find yourself dealing with any of the following financial issues, it's time to get proactive and take steps to correct them.

Your Credit Score & Mortgage Loans
Your credit score is one of the biggest factors in your approval for a home loan.

Watch Out for Phon(e)y Messages
Learn about methods scammers use to try and take advantage of our reliance on cellphones to get our personal information.

Your Credit Score & Home Buying Power
Know how your credit score will affect your home buying power.

Reconciling a Spender-Saver Marriage
In any marriage, even one where both partners have similar money management styles, family finances can occasionally create conflict.

5 Common Cryptocurrency Scams
Explore five common cryptocurrency scams that you should be aware of and protect yourself and your investments.

Put Your House to Work
Home equity provides homeowners a ready financing source to turn their house into their dream home.

Avoid Phishing Scams
Learn ways protect yourself from scammers trying to access your credit union account with phishing scams.

Property Ownership and Your Will
When creating your will and assigning beneficiaries on your accounts, the form of property ownership can have an unforeseen impact on the inheritance process.

Pre-qualification v. Pre-approval
We ensure our members are set up to become successful homeowners from the very beginning of the home buying process.

Vacation Means Re-Creation
There are many reasons why you might skip taking a vacation, but the benefits of a little time off often outweigh the drawbacks.

9 Common Money Myths
See how many of these common money myths you believe.

Teach Your Kids Good Money Beliefs
Make sure you pass on positive money beliefs to the next generation.

How Mortgage Loans are Approved
While your loan officer and processor review your application, the underwriter will ultimately be the one who provides final approval.

Home Improvement Projects: DIY or Pro
If you have a home improvement project, should you do it yourself (DIY) or hire a pro?

The Case for Debt Consolidation
Consolidating your credit card bills into a single loan can be a wise financial move.

Secure Your Mobile Wallet
Keep your financial data safe when carrying out transactions on your mobile device.

Managing Mom's Money
Managing someone else’s money, usually via a power of attorney (POA) document, is a big responsibility.

Are You Ready to Purchase a Home?
Buying a home is typically the biggest purchase you will make. Know the process so it seems less scary.

8 Ways to Save Vacation Money
Plan your next vacation ahead to ensure that you get the most for your money without sacrificing a good time.

Avoid Check Deposit Scams
Don't be fooled by a remote deposit capture/check scam.

Don't Fall for Gift Card Scams
Scammers have come up with creative ways to convince you to purchase gift cards for them.

Protect Yourself from Trigger Leads
Trigger Leads are a marketing tool that mortgage lenders, insurance companies, and credit card providers use to identify potential customers.